Everyone has an underdog star they watch closely—mine is Michelle Monaghan.
I noticed her first in Gone Baby Gone and then again in Trucker, her biggest solo role to date. I fell in love with her husky voice and sombre, seductive quality. Trucker had a gloomy, rugged charm about it—and Monaghan's combination of beauty and grit captivated. Yet the film was generally overlooked by critics and viewers alike.
That's the thing about her—Monaghan starred in no fewer than four different films this year alone, but can you think of their names? My point exactly.
It wasn't until she was cast in True Detective last year that audiences could truly begin to appreciate her alluring talents. She wasn't given much to do, but her gentle, strong presence was undeniably pivotal to the plot, bringing the show's raging testosterone level down a notch. I hoped this would elevate her Hollywood desirability to Charlize Theron levels . . . but then nothing really happened.
My only consolation? Monaghan's red carpet appearances of late are hotter than ever, not only making great use of her statuesque body, but also proving some serious fashion chops. Her taste level is up, her designer choices are current, and even her ability to carry a masculine look tops her much celebrated and highly-paid colleagues (Julia Roberts, that would be you). And then, there's that face—with minimal makeup and maximum striking beauty, Monaghan is the down-to-earth "no fuss" girl and an obvious star all at once.
However, her magazine covers are few and far between. Same goes for films with big, buzzed-about directors and worthy co-stars—as of now, there are simply none. Her peaking fashion moment and mostly, her quiet persistence to get out there no matter what (a romantic flick with James Marsden is a hell of an obstacle) prove she deserves better. Like, Jessica Chastain better.
The first person to make it happen will get a care package from me. It will probably include a DVD of Trucker.